Killer Elite

A film starring Jason Statham called Killer Elite really should just be senseless violence, which is actually one of my three favorite genres – along with dance movies and Christmas-themed romantic dramas. That’s actually true. Another reason for my confusion about what this film actually was is the appearance of Dominic Purcell in a majorContinue reading “Killer Elite”


1997, maybe I’m just old, but it doesn’t seem that long ago. And in fact, a lot of movies made around that time – The Matrix, The Devil’s Advocate, Titanic for example – manage to not look seriously dated. Breakdown, however, is different. It looks like something your parents might have watched when they wereContinue reading “Breakdown”

The Wrong House Sitter

God bless the Lifetime Channel. With the possible exception of Hallmark and Nicolas Cage, no other entity has been responsible for the sheer number of lukewarm, poorly acted, terribly scripted, formulaic movies as they have cranked out over the years. And just in case it’s unclear, I mean that as a compliment. I don’t knowContinue reading “The Wrong House Sitter”

Deep Blue Sea 3

Sharks are scary, right? That’s a thing. Apparently not, at least not according to sexy marine biologist Dr. Emma Collins (Tania Raymonde). She likes nothing more than diving in shark-infested waters and has even befriended a great white, who she calls Lisa.Sometimes, I think Lisa is more “human” than some of the people I know.OK,Continue reading “Deep Blue Sea 3”

Love, Guaranteed

One of the best things about romantic dramas is that they often feature actors and actresses you haven’t seen for 20 years. Watch enough of them and you will see Sabrina the Teenage Witch, one of the twins off of Sister, Sister, and Danica McKellar (Winnie Cooper from The Wonder Years). Love, Guaranteed’s forgotten starContinue reading “Love, Guaranteed”

Hawk the Slayer

Hawk the Slayer is widely regarded as being one of the worst movies ever made. First, it’s a sword and sorcery film, which, back in the early 80s, was a sure sign of mediocrity. You might now associate this genre with Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings, but back then, it was ConanContinue reading “Hawk the Slayer”

Falling Inn Love

Gabriela Diaz has a great job, a great apartment in San Francisco, and a great boyfriend. It seems that she has it all, but does she really? Well, obviously not, because this is a romantic drama, and so she’s going to have to go on a journey to find her true love and, more importantly,Continue reading “Falling Inn Love”

The Babysitter: Killer Queen

OK, this movie is not what I was expecting. The title, the fact that it’s a sequel to a film I’d never heard of, and the cast – or at least the presence of Bella Thorne – meant that I was waiting for something dreadful, but I didn’t get that. Now, that doesn’t mean thisContinue reading “The Babysitter: Killer Queen”

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