Killer Elite

A film starring Jason Statham called Killer Elite really should just be senseless violence, which is actually one of my three favorite genres – along with dance movies and Christmas-themed romantic dramas. That’s actually true. Another reason for my confusion about what this film actually was is the appearance of Dominic Purcell in a majorContinue reading “Killer Elite”

The Expendables

The Expendables is a true guy’s movie. If you read that statement and thought, “Great! This one’s for me,” then you’re probably an arsehole because “guy’s movie” is shorthand for “some dumb shit written for overgrown boys who struggle with actual feelings.” The problem isn’t that this movie is essentially a series of contrivances designedContinue reading “The Expendables”

The Meg

A Jason Statham movie about a massive shark? Of course I’ll be watching. The Meg has shit written all over it, and it does not disappoint. The movie stretches Statham to the limits of his acting ability, and that means we’re going to see all five of his looks: angry, charming, smiling, thinking, and troubled.Continue reading “The Meg”

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