To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You

Billy Jean King defeating Bobby Riggs, the English winning at Agincourt, Rocky Balboa knocking out Apollo Creed – in every age and field of human endeavor, brave heroes have found a way to overcome their circumstances and achieve what seemed impossible. And thankfully, if we mere mortals live long enough and keep putting in theContinue reading “To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You”

Feel the Beat

I’ll admit it, this movie wasn’t the one I wanted to see. I wanted to watch Center Stage. I wanted Zoe Saldana, Cooper Nielson, the American Ballet Academy, and the “dance the shit out of it” woman. Somehow, Center Stage isn’t on Netflix, and Feel the Beat was recommended as the closest alternative. It’s not,Continue reading “Feel the Beat”

The Batman

I’ve gotta be honest, this film wasn’t supposed to be on here. It’s The Batman, and not some flabby Ben Affleck version – this was supposed to be a proper movie. It’s gotten great reviews, and it has a great cast. I like Robert Pattinson. I like Zoe Kravitz. I like Paul Dano, and JeffreyContinue reading “The Batman”

Killer Elite

A film starring Jason Statham called Killer Elite really should just be senseless violence, which is actually one of my three favorite genres – along with dance movies and Christmas-themed romantic dramas. That’s actually true. Another reason for my confusion about what this film actually was is the appearance of Dominic Purcell in a majorContinue reading “Killer Elite”


1997, maybe I’m just old, but it doesn’t seem that long ago. And in fact, a lot of movies made around that time – The Matrix, The Devil’s Advocate, Titanic for example – manage to not look seriously dated. Breakdown, however, is different. It looks like something your parents might have watched when they wereContinue reading “Breakdown”

The Assassin Next Door

The Assassin Next Door is different to the other movies reviewed on this site. It’s not cynical, cheesy, formulaic, or just a teen movie. This is supposed to be good, and I’m reluctant to say it’s shit. Ultimately, though, it’s just a weak version of what an idiot thinks is a good movie. There areContinue reading “The Assassin Next Door”

The Wrong House Sitter

God bless the Lifetime Channel. With the possible exception of Hallmark and Nicolas Cage, no other entity has been responsible for the sheer number of lukewarm, poorly acted, terribly scripted, formulaic movies as they have cranked out over the years. And just in case it’s unclear, I mean that as a compliment. I don’t knowContinue reading “The Wrong House Sitter”


There are lots of reasons why a movie can fail: bad acting, poor budget, formulaic script, and a whole load more. Sometimes, though, none of these reasons apply, and that’s how it is with Polar. This story of a tender-hearted yet merciless, aging hitman stars Mads Mikkelsen, who’s a strong actor. It has Matt LucasContinue reading “Polar”

Drive Angry

You know those parts of Trump rallies where he pretends to be a tough guy and swears unnecessarily, and then his crowd would go crazy because cheering on an angry man is one of the few things in their dumb, mouth-breathing, semi-literate lives that still makes sense? That’s this whole movie – it’s also aContinue reading “Drive Angry”

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